“The most important principal of our is a wish that science and medicine were humane, highly intelligent that the physician not only helped the person to overcome a disease , but also displayed kindness, high morals and worked for the positive development of the mankind”
Member of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine, winner of State prize of Ukraine in the sphere of science and technology , Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Honoured Inventor of Ukraine,. In 1997 he was elected an Associate, in 2000 – a member , in 2002 – a Member of presidium, and in 2010- a vice – President of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine.
V.N. Zaporozhan created one of the first in Ukraine genetic laboratory and research and development .Institute of molecular – genetic and cellular medicine, the director genetic laboratory and research and development molecular – genetic and cellular technologies in the clinical practice, V.N .Zaporazhan develops methods of long – term autologous stem cell cultivation and protocols of their clinical application.
In 1978 V.N Zaporozhan headed the first in Ukraine centre for premalignancy treatment in gynaecology; in 1989 hr founded in the country centres of family health and endoscopic laser surgery. He is the founder and president of Ukrainian association for endoscopic minimally invasive and laser surgery. He is the author of over 650 scientific works, including 48 monographs, 16 textbooks and study guides, 78 patents and copyright certificates.
V.N.Zaporozhan is the chief Editor of four academic periodicals: “Odessa Medical Journal”, “Integrative Anthropology”, “International Medical- Philosophical Journal”, “Achievements of Biology and Medicine”, and co- editor of International Journal “China, Journal of Modern Medicine , and member of editorial council” Cancer Cell International”.
V.N.Zaporozhan is the Head of Interdepartment Coordination Council for fundamental and applied issues of medical genetics at National Academy of Medical Science and Ministry of Health of Ukraine, is a member of Ukrainian Cellular Biology Association, European Society for Artificial Organs, member of European Society of Gynecological Oncology, American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists. He supervised presentation of 24 Doctor’s and 68 Ph.D. thesis work.
V.N.Zaporozhan was elected a member of 16 foreign universities, academies , associations, has many international awards, including: President’s medal of George Washington University (1998,USA), Albert Schweizer big gold medal (1999, Poland), International Hippocrates Medal (2000, Greece ),badge of honour “Socrat Award”(2006,Great Britain),”Vernadsky Star” medal(2000 Russia), and others. He is a Full Cavalier of the Badge of Honour Order of three Degrees (1997,2000,2006),was awarded Certificates of Honour of Supreme Council and Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2007), and a prize of “Honorary Citizen of Odessa”.
It is a government university with the right of self governing The world known scientific and the founders of numerous scientific medical schools which brought glory to the world science worked at ONMU. Some of them are Prof. Pidvysotsky V.V , Prof. Lisionkov M.K., Prof. Voronin V.V. , Prof. Batuev M.O., Prof.Verigo B.F.,Prof.Strajesko M.D., Reznil B.Y. and others.
The Noble prize winner Director Of Institute of Experimental Immunology(Switzerland)Prof. Rolth Zinker Nagel, Nobel Prize winner Director of Russian Caradiological Scientific – Production Complex ( Russia).Prof. Evgene Ivanovich Chazov, Director of American Union of health protection (U.S.A)
James smith, president of George Washington University (U.S.A) Prof. Stephen Doel Trachtenberg, President of Polish medical Academy (Poland) Prof. Kasimir Lmielinsky, President of International Hippocrates Fund (GREECE )Dr. Spiros Marketos & Prof . Juliano Di Bernardo (Italy) are among the Honoured & Visiting Professors of the university . Recognized/Listed by World Health Organization , International Association of Universities, European University Association, including USA , UK Europe & India.
Odessa NATIONAL Medical University is one of the largest higher medical universities, a member of European and International Association of Universities, the leader of reformation of medical education in the country. Odessa National Medical University is an higher education institution of the IV( the top level) accreditation level conferred by the State Accreditation Committee of Ukraine (Record no.12 of june 30,1994).The university trains specialists of the following qualification levels: Junior Specialist ,Master (Foreign student included) for the following specialties:
Post graduate The University comprises 56 departments, a medical college ,preparatory faculty and post graduation faculty. The University enrols around 4000 students, including 1200 foreign student from 52 countries of the world .The training of student is given in Russian, English &French .ONMU is the only university of Ukraine & other CIS countries which provides complete educational in English medium.
Foreign students have been studying since 1946.Over 6000 student from Europe, Asia , Africa, America have got education from this university and are working successfully as doctors in 87 countries of the world.240 have done specialization and 109 super specialization from ONMU .The studies are carried out by 800 teachers,18 academicians, 105 professors and doctors of Medical science,407 docents and candidates of medical science. During the course the course student master all modern medical technologies which are available today in the world .The university has 18 block with general are of 20,000sq.m.,6 hostels (Fully furnished) sport complex with indoor & outdoor sports facilities.
The clinical centres of the University have 9648 patient beds. These clinical centres, which include well equipped 35 hospitals, have all conditions & facilities for practice & training for its doctors and students. Scientific Research Establishment of the University: Central scientific – Research Laboratory, Institute of Clinical Biophysics ,Health Family Centre, Vivarium , Scientific- Research Institute of Eyes Diseases and Tissue Therapy, Institute of Health Resortology
Since 1996, Odessa State Medical University is in continuous co-operation with European and International Association of universities, as an active member. In 2001, it was admitted as a member of the International Scientific Committee of UNESCO.
Odessa State Medical University extensively uses latest scientific techniques and practices of best universities of the world in teaching process. This great contribution is due to close links with leading universities and academic centres : Washington University (USA), Polish Academy of Medicine (Poland), Milan University (Italy), Institute of Experimental Immunology (Switzerland), the International Fund of Hippocrates (Greece), A. Schweitzer International Medical Academy (Poland), Russian Heart Scientific-productive Complex (Russia), etc.
OSMU’s participation in the joint programs and projects with Russia, Belgium, Netherlands, USA, Germany, Austria, South African Republic, etc. makes possible improvement and introduction into training and therapeutic processes of new educational and medical technologies, obtaining of grants, annual training of teachers in the best scientific and educational centres, direct deliveries of high technology medical equipments, joint release of scientific and scholarly literature, etc. Among the grants, carried out by the scientists of OSMU together with the foreign associates : Practical-scientific grant <Creation of model of primary medical and sanitary aid in the Odessa region> (AIHA, USA), Training grant <Prophylaxis of HIV transmission from mother to child> (UNICEF, the children’s fund of UN), Training grant<Preparation of trainers and educational methods according to the program – “Family planning and reproductive health” for obstetrician-gynaecologists & family doctors> (JHPIEGO, USA) and many others.
OSMU is continuously participating in the programs of “Vidrodzhennya” fund, in the activities of International Club “Rotary”, in the programs of American Agency of International Development (USAID) and in collaboration with the International Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (ASCONA).Ukrainian- Netherlands Practical-scientific grant “Improvement of the system of teaching family medicine in higher medical educational institutions” (MATRA).
Our chief scientists are the honourable doctors of 42 international organizations and universities, who are “doctor honoris causa” of our university. They all deliver lectures to the students and teachers yearly. Among them are: Nobel Prize Winners – Prof. Rolph Zinkernagel (Switzerland) & Prof. Yevgeniy Chazov (Russia); Prof. Juliano Di Bernardo (Italy), Spiros Marketos (Greece) and Georgiy Kryzhanovskiy (Russia); President of Polish Academy of Medicine Prof. Casimir Imiyelinski; Rectors of several universities – Prof. Stefan Doel Trachtenberg (George Washington University, USA) & Ton That Bach (Hanoi National Medical University, Vietnam), and others.
ON Med U has collaboration with Clinwell Kriger Training & Research Institute, Agra, India to provide expertise in the field of Clinical Research.
Admission to undergraduate and post graduate courses are open for all foreign student ,who fulfil the eligibility criteria of ONMU and of the respective country , on first come first serve basis from 1st July to 30th October of every year.
For undergraduate courses: Candidate must have completed his/her higher secondary education with minimum 50% marks in Biology, Physics& Chemistry from a recognized college .For post graduate courses : Graduation in medical and one year internship from recognized college/ by Medical Council of concerned country.
Prospectus along with application form can be obtained from the Representatives of ONMU in the concerned state/country to which the candidate belongs. The duly filled up forms along with the attested photocopies of required documents (list mentioned below) shall be submitted through the concerned authorized-representative (OMNU) of the state/country. If candidate belong to the state/country where there is no authorized – representative of ONMU he may apply directly.
Date of birth certificate by local municipal authority.
Attested photocopy of certificate and marks sheet class 10+2 or equivalent
Six passport size photographs
Photocopy of passport
Medical certificate with HIV test report.
Date of birth certificate by local municipal authority
Attested photocopy of certificate and marks sheet class MBBS or equivalent exam
Internship completion certificate
Six passport size photographs
Photocopy of passport
Medical certificate with HIV test report.
Registration certificate of medical council.
AS PER TH LAW OF UKRAINIAN GOVERNMENT THE STUDENT VISA IS ISSUEC BY VISA SECTION OF Embassy of Ukraine only during 15th august to 15th December. The official invitation for studies in Ukraine is provided by ONMU on the basis of which Ukraine Embassy issue the visa to travel Ukraine .The ONMU will provide the guidance and support for visa processing .Note : The issuance / refusal of Ukrainian visa to the candidate is the sole right of visa section of embassy of Ukraine (Ministry of External Affairs of Ukraine ).In case of representatives are not responsible in any way.
The Odessa National Medical University is conducting post graduates courses in 91 specializations. Presently ONMU is the only university in Ukraine , which is offering post graduates courses in different fields of medical science in English medium .Admission to these courses are open around the year on the availability of seat.PG courses are clinical training programme, which are conducted in hospitals and clinics under the supervision of guide(teacher) . Thus, in order to communicate with the patients and Para – medical staff, which is generally Russian speaking; the candidate is taught Russian language during the first six month parallel to PG course . By the end of PG course the candidate has to write a thesis on a particular topic, which is chosen by the candidate with the help of his/her teacher.
SPECIALIZATION : specialization / Super Specialization of PG course at Odessa State Medical University in accordance with the order no .359 dtd 19.12.1997 of Ministry of Education & Health of Ukraine
Clinical Biochemistry
Clinical Immunology
Dermatovenerology (Skin & Ven.Diseases)
Emergency Medicine
Family Medicine-General Practice
Forensic Medicine
Functional Diagnostics
General Hygiene
General Surgery
Immunology of Forensic Medicine
Infectious Diseases
Medical Genetics
Microbiology & Virusology
Neuro Surgery
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Organization and Administration of Health
Orthopedic Stomatology (Prosthodontics)
Orthopedics & Traumatology
Pathological Anatomy
Pediatric Allergology
Pediatric Anesthesiology
Pediatric Cardio-reumatology
Pediatric Dermatovenerology
Pediatric Endocrinology
Pediatric ENT
Pediatric Gastroentrology
Pediatric Gynecology
Pediatric Hematology
Pediatric Immunology
Pediatric Infectious diseases
Pediatric Nephrology
Pediatric Neurology
Pediatric Oncology
Pediatric Ophthalmology
Pediatric Orthopedics & Traumatology
Pediatric Pathological anatomy
Pediatric Phtysiatry
Pediatric Psychiatry
Pediatric Pulmonology
Pediatric Stomatology (Dentistry)
Pediatric Surgery
Pediatric Urology
Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
Professional Pathology
Radionuclear Diagnostics
Ray Diagnostics
Sports Medicine
Surgical Stomatology / Oral Surgery
Therapeutic Stomatology / Conservative Dentistry
Therapy / Medicine
Thoracic Surgery
Tuberculosis (Phtysiatry)
Vascular Surgery
1. Free 24 hrs. gas, electricity, hot & cold water and phone.
2. Rooms are centrally heated.
3. Furniture and bedding in rooms is provided by the hostel.
4. Reading rooms and gym are also available in every hostel.
5. Hostels are provided with full security
6. Student Cafeteria.
7. Hostels are surrounded by green belt with outdoor sport activities like basketball, volleyball, football, etc.
Sports-Health Complex
The university has good conditions not only for study but also for sports and recreation. There is a sport-health complex on the Black Sea shore, where over 500 students at a time can rest in summer. The university’s Sports Complex is situated on the territory of the campus. It has six sports halls a sport-halls;. for various games, including wrestling, table tennis, athletics, aerobics, badminton, rhythmic gymnastics, training room (gym). At the university the students can participate in more than 16 kinds of sports. The most popular are athletics, basketball, handball, tennis, weight lifting swimming, football, fencing, mini-football, judo, unarmed combat, chess.
Annual medical examination of every student is mandatory, which is carried out every year in the beginning of academic session at the Students’ Polyclinic. The medical examination is done by the specialist doctors and if needed all type of diagnostic investigations are carried out. In the system of treatment, rehabilitation and medical check-up, an important role is played by the rehabilitation sector, which provides the following procedures: paraffin / ozokerite / mud-treatment, all kinds of electrical / light radiation treatment, laser therapy, magnetic therapy, electrically stimulated sleep, vacuum therapy, barotherapy, whirl bath, under-water vertical stretching of the spinal column, contrast massage, reflexotherapy, etc.
ONMU has three museums:
Historical Museum comprises exhibits, which tell about the development of the University. At present there are 4.5 thousand exhibits which help students to study at the courses of the history of OSMU
Anatomic Museum
It helps students to study basic human anatomy. It includes 3 thousand exhibits telling about the structure of Human body; these objects are prepared by the students and teaching staff of the University
Pathological anatomy
The Museum of the Pathological Anatomy is one of the best professional museums in Ukraine. The museum has 2.5 thousand unique special materials showing the changes in the human organism that occur in different diseases
A powerful printing base, qualified staff, the use of the latest information technologies let the university publish different scientific, educational and methodological literature. 3 medical journals are published: 1. Odessa Medical Journal – 6 times a year; 2. Medical achievements and biology – 2 times a year; 3. Integrative anthropology – 2 times a year. The unique textbooks and practical aids on all studied disciplines are published at the University. “The library of medical student” is published in Russian, Ukrainian, English and French with a total circulation of 15,000 copies per year. The students of majority of medical establishments of Ukraine study these books
The library of OSMU is one of the oldest and biggest libraries in Ukraine. The proud of the library is the fund of the medical-scientific periodical editions, which is one of the biggest in Ukraine. The funds of the library are exhibited at the exhibitions, symposia and scientific conferences of medical workers. The library of OSMU is a modern information centre that promotes educational, scientific and teaching process. Total fund of the library contains 1 million books. The library has its branches in each hostel. There is an Internet Hall in the building of library where students can receive latest international information. After enrolment every student receives “library card”, on the basis of which students can receive books for studies for the period of respective academic year. At the beginning of new academic year the students receives new books for that year
The bologna process aims to create a European higher Education Area in which student can choose from a wide and transparent range of high quality courses and benefit from smooth recognition procedures.
ECTS makes teaching and learning more transparent and facilitates the recognition of studies (formal, non formal, informal ).The system is used across Europe for credit transfer ( student mobility) and credit accumulation (learning paths towards a degree ).Its also informs curriculum design and quality assurance. According to the result of the state licensed examination “KROK-1”,KROK-2 , KROK-3” has stable leading position among all higher medical schools and faculties in Ukraine.
Odessa experience moderate winter with an average temperature in January being-5 to -8 degree Celsius .Summer would be warm with an average temperature in july being +30 degree Celsius . The climate is Mediterranean like that in Italy, Greece and Cyprus etc.
All financial transaction are conducted in Ukrainian currency – “Grieven”. Student are advised to open bank account in Odessa. All Ukrainian Banks have links with Banks in USA, Canada & European countries to facilitate transfer of fund from any part of world.
EXPENSES: personal living expenses is estimated to be US$120-150 per month. They can adjust their expenses with in limit of their spending.
There are many asian food outlets such as Indian , Arabian etc . There are few kabab outlets operated by Middle east student and Mc-Donalds & KFC just outside the campus.
Currently Aeroflot, Uzbekistan, Turkish Airlines, Air Arabia, Turkminstan Airlines flies to (Kiev) via Moscow , Taskent , Istanbul, Ashkabad respectively, Aerosweet Airline flies directly to Kiev.
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